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JLG Digital

4.0 ( 7520 ratings )
Образование Книги
Разработчик Media Source Inc.

Introducing JLG Digital, the reading revolution that puts exceptional eBooks and Audiobooks in the hands of K-12 readers.

Experience the award-winning selections you love and trust from JLG now in eBook and Audiobook format with anytime, anywhere access. Browse and select from the industry’s best eBooks and Audiobooks. View new titles in the Stream —with unlimited readers and unlimited access— and make purchases of the highest-circulating titles for your library in the JLG Store. Your readers can browse, borrow and read JLG Editor’s top picks across all categories from your library instantly on iPhone, iPad, or computer. Favorite books are just a swipe and tap away!

JLG Digitals full function eReader lets you:
• Search & browse titles in the bookshelf stream
• Download titles to read in offline mode
• Personalize with bookmarks, notes, and highlights
• Read along & listen through audio play (for audio-enabled books)

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